1 Number Recognition
Developing number recognition is an essential early number skill. The Number Nudget can assist learners in developing number recognition skills quickly. Learners should connect “how many” in a set to the symbol that represents that value.
- Have learners slide one checker at a time, counting as they progress.
- Call attention to the symbol, as well as the number of checkers on the left.
- Have learners continue to count through the digit 9.
Learners see the symbol 0 and no checkers on the left.
Learners see the symbol 1 and 1 checkers on the left.
Learners see the symbol 9 and 9 checkers on the left.
Observe how learners are connecting the number of checkers counted to the symbol for the number. Developing the concept of number or “how many” and recognizing the symbol that denotes the value of a number are foundational skills.
- Have learners count and slide the number of checkers said to them.
- Call out numbers in random order. Observe learners actions on the Number Nudget to determine proficiency.
“Count the number 7”
“Count the number 4”
Provide many opportunities for learners to “count” numbers on the Nudget. Challenge learners to find ways to find numbers without sliding one checker at a time. This assists learners in developing spatial skills.
- Have learners count the number 11. When learners count the tenth checker, they arrive at the empty space to the right of the 9th checker. Ask learners what they should do in order to keep counting.
2. Guide learners to understand and articulate that they must “reset” the Nudget in order to keep counting.
3. Have learners mark a 1 to show one “reset” on the Number Nudget. The learner should then slide all checkers to the right to reset, which displays the 0.
4. Have learners continue counting to eleven. The count is displayed.
Assist learners in writing 11.
5. Challenge learners to explain how the number 10 is written, and why.
6. Have learners demonstrate the number 10 on the Nudget.
7. Extend the activity to counting the numbers 10 through 19.
8. Have learners hypothesize about how to count beyond 19.
Representing numbers greater than 9 can be done using two or more Number Nudgets, a marker board, magnetic numbers, or number cards. Note the following examples.
Represent 13, using two Nudgets:
Represent 14, using magnetic numbers:
Represent 17, using number cards:
Learners should explore counting numbers to 19 repeatedly to ensure the key concepts about how a number is composed and written are fully developed. Developing fluency in counting and writing numbers is important for developing computation skills.
Have learners count a number on the Nudget.
Ask learners if there are more checkers on the left or the right.
Ask learners how they know there are more or less.
Have learners count the checkers on the left and right.
Have learners reset, and count a different number.
Provide opportunity for learners to gain fluency in the concepts of more and less.
Count the number 7.
Count the checkers on the left:
Count the checkers on the right:
Which is more 7 or 3?
Developing skill at determining more or less further develops a learner’s concept of number. When learners recognize one value is larger or smaller than another, counting principles are easily grasped.